Thursday 10 October 2013

Telford House Moodle area

There is now a Telford House section on Moodle so you can get involved and earn House Points whilst you do!

Share your ideas in the Telford House forum, contribute to Telford House by completing activities (starting with a poster design competition) and VOTE on the key issues!

Tuesday 8 October 2013

House Captain

Hi guys, as mentioned before in assembly I am going to be your new House Captain for this year so any ideas you have that will help make Telford a better House I will be glad to hear your ideas and pitch them to Mr. Anderson who I will be working throughout this year.

For people who don't know me, my name is Sayo Alowoesin, I have been attending Wilmington for a year now as I am an external student. I want to make sure that everyone in our house is able to add to make Telford a better house. So any problems you may have don't be afraid to approach me and I will only be happy to resolve the problem, the only reason why I am your House Captain is to make sure that you have the best experience of being a Telfordian. In order for me to accomplish this goal I will be working alongside Mr. Anderson, my Vice Captain Bode Alade, your form tutors and most importantly you as collectively we can make sure you have the experience that you have always wanted.

Monday 7 October 2013

Fundraising update!

Current charity total :

An excellent start team, keep it up!

Get thinking of some great fundraising events to really boost this total.

For 2013-14 Telford House will be supporting...

Results of the vote follow...
(mouse over bars for vote count)


Sunday 6 October 2013

Decision time... who will be Telford House Charity 2013-14?

House Update - October 2013

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